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The Top Three Leashes For Your Dog


Do  you want to improve how your dog behaves on a leash?

How your dog walks on a leash could have less to do with your dog’s behavior and more to do with the type of leash being used.  Dog walking services can help recommend an appropriate leash that’s right for your dog.  Whether your dog is fearful and anxious, a leash-puller, or a big breed, the type of leash you pick will determine how well they obey while being walked.  To have the best experience for your pet, try one of the top three leashes below.

Top Three Leashes for Dogs:

top three leashes for dogs

1. Slip Lead

Have you ever seen a dog show?  All of those dogs are walked on slip lead leashes because they are the easiest to use for control.  This leash is designed to easily slip over the dog’s head and onto its neck.  When your dog pulls ahead of you, the gentle pressure on its neck reminds it to slow down and walk with you, not ahead.  It’s also good for controlling movement when turning or being directed away from people, pets, or that interesting piece of trash on the ground. If your dog is an escape artist it can get out of this leash easily if it’s not secure. Your dog walking service professionals know how to put them on and adjust them correctly to avoid this.

top three leashes for dogs

2. Front-Attaching Harness

Do you have a dog that likes to pull? Well, then the front-attaching harness is a great choice of dog leash and collar combination.  It provides enough stability and support without causing strain on your dog’s back and shoulders, much like a rear-attaching or back-clip harness does.  It’s great for training your dog not to pull by attaching to the front of your dog’s chest.  When they pull, they get turned towards the dog walker, which has a similar effect of using the “heel” command.  This type of leash can get tangled in your dog’s legs, though, so professional dog walkers tend to hold it fairly tight to avoid any injuries.

top three leashes for dogs

3. Adjustable Leash

If you’ve ever used a standard leash or a retractable leash, you may have noticed the downsides of each.  The standard leash allows for minimal movement for your dog, while the retractable leash allows far too much freedom and room for accidents.  The adjustable leash is a great hybrid of the two, providing dog walkers with control over the length of the leash and distance from the animal.  It provides a more comfortable walk because you are able to determine if the leash is too short or too long and adjust it accordingly.  This is a great leash for leisure walks in more populated areas because the freedom the dog has to roam is controlled.  While this leash is very useful for different types of activities, it is best used with dogs that are well trained on a leash.  Mainly, due to the fact that shortening and lengthening the leash often can lead to confusion and a negative reaction from your dog.


dog walking service, top three leashes for dogs

Remember, it’s trial and error trying to find the right leash for your dog

The leashes recommended here do not hurt or scare your dog into walking obediently, like a shock collar or choke chain would.  Instead, they give your dog subtle restraint allowing them to enjoy their walk without overpowering or controlling the dog walker.  Dog walking services know it’s very important to find the safest dog leash and collar that helps your dog perform well during walks and can provide that expert feedback on how your dog is behaving with the leash you select.  You owe it to your best friend to make an investment in the right leash, don’t you? Your dog will thank you for it! For more information on the top leashes, click here.