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A Dog Walking Service Impacts Health & Behavior

dog walking service

Walking, Good for Your Dog

Benefits of Your Dog Being Walked

Have you ever wondered if your pet is getting enough exercise? Even our furry little friends need a regular workout regimen too and using a dog walking service can help. There´s no way around it, exercising is important if one wants to lead a healthy life, but the truth is that more often than not there´s no time or motivation to do it, so it isn´t surprising at all that fewer and fewer people do it.   A survey in 2014 showed that only about 50% of pet owners actually make sure that their pet gets a regular daily walk. It’s easy to get overwhelmed with a busy schedule and put things like an exercise routine on the back burner, especially for our pets when it seems like there’s something more important going on at the moment. However, studies show that pets should have physical activity from 30 minutes up to 2 hours each day depending, on the age and type of dog.

A Dog walking service is good for dogs! It helps them to:
• Spend some energy and therefore makes them seek less attention
• Contributes to their training
• Regulates their weight
• Helps to prevent osteoarthritis
• Allows them to release some stress
• Increases cardiovascular health
• Stimulates a happier mood
• Enables them to live longer
• Reduces loneliness

The Importance Of A Dog Walking Service To Achieve A Healthy Lifestyle For Your Pet

As most pet owners will know, dogs have a tendency to develop health issues that are related to stress, so making sure your dog is exercising a little bit each day is a good way to keep those issues at bay. The breed of canine is going to determine much of what will be needed for an exercise routine, as certain breeds will require more exercise than others. Also, younger dogs are going to be able to be more active than older dogs, as it is usually the same case with people.

By making sure that your dog regularly maintains a healthy lifestyle, in addition to their increased level of vitality, you can expect to see a difference in the mood and behavior of your pet as well. Got a dog that seems as if they’re not feeling quite like their old self? Many pets can often take on the persona of their owners, which means that they can become angry, depressed, anxious, or lethargic. So it is a good idea to monitor their mood, portion of food, and make sure that they are getting the proper amount of fitness that is needed to help keep them in a happy state of mind.

So what are you waiting for? If your pet is giving you trouble because of the pent up energy it has or you have finally recognized they need to have a more active life, make sure they go for a walk. A reputable dog walking service can help to ensure that your time is saved, while your pet is getting out of the house to enjoy some exercise. You owe it to your faithful friend for them to stay healthy, don’t you?