How Long You Can Leave Your Dog Alone


Healthy Care While You’re Away

While most of us would like to be with our dogs 24/7, life doesn’t always allow that luxury. Whether it’s work, family engagements, or appointments, it is inevitable that dogs are going to be left home alone from time to time. Do you have a pup that you need to leave alone, but don’t know how long they can handle it? Here are some tips for how long you can leave your dog alone.




As you may know, puppies require more care than adult dogs, much like human babies. A puppy up to the age of three months needs to relieve itself, aka, go to the bathroom, every three hours. If you’re going to be away from home longer, be sure to contact your dog sitting service to help relieve you from those duties and make your furry friend as comfortable as possible.

Healthy Adult Dogs

Adult dogs that are healthy still require attention. They may be able to go longer without bathroom breaks as often. Yet adult dogs still need the regular bathroom breaks and playtime that you would give to any dog requiring attention, as they all do. The general rule for leaving healthy adult dogs alone is up to ten hours, eight being an average work day.


Senior Adult Dogs

Senior adult dogs, like puppies, need more attention than average healthy adult dogs. They may suffer from bowel or bladder issues. They may even suffer from advanced issues such as hip discomfort or even cancerous diseases. These need to be taken care of by a doctor and given care. Leaving them alone for more than four hours at a time is usually frowned upon, as they need extra attention. Consult your veterinarian and even your dog sitting service in this instance.


Special needs – Dogs that have special needs, such as those with hip issues or incontinence may need extra care. These dogs should not be left alone for extended periods.  They have routines that need to be adhered to and schedules to follow that will make them comfortable. If you’re going to be away for an extended, in this case, 4 hours or more, you’ll need to seek the assistance of your dog sitting service to help you give your pup adequate care.

Anxious Dogs – Dogs that suffer from anxiety, especially when it stems from separation, do best alone when crated. Crates not only offer security (preventing accidents on stairs, for example), but also deter destruction. Who has come home to trash strewn all over the floor or good pillows chewed to pieces? Most of the time these acts are due to anxiety and your pup is showing you that he’s having trouble dealing with your absence.

Different Breeds – Remember that no matter the temperament, different breeds have different requirements. Boxers are going to require less attention than teacup Yorkie’s. Great Danes may be able to hold their bladders longer than Chihuahuas. You will need to assess your dog’s needs based on your breed. To find out more on your different needs according to the type of dog you have, click here.

Now that you have a better idea of how long you can leave your dog alone, you can take the steps to make sure your four-legged friend is comfortable while you’re away. You can even enlist the help of your pet sitting service for those times that you can’t take your pet on a walk, feed them, or even just give them companionship.