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Health Tips for New Dog Owners



All Natural Ways to Ensure Your Pet Stays Healthy

Every new dog owner enjoys getting to know their new pet.  Experts such as those in your dog walking service can tell you that bonding through playtime, petting, and cuddling are the easy part.  But, have you ever wondered if you are making the right decisions concerning your pet’s health? From veterinarian visits to making sure your d
og gets the right amount of exercise and food, doing what’s not only required but what’s the best for that new friend can be confusing and overwhelming.  You may also wonder about which brand of dog food to buy, what types of preventative medicines, and supplements to include and even non-harmful shampoo.   For those of you struggling with how to give your new dog the best life you can provide, here are a few of the top all natural healthy tips for dogs.

All Natural Food

A great way to ensure that your dog’s food is healthy is by simply making it yourself. After all, it’s the best way to know what is in the food you’re giving and the best part is that you can eat it too!  Be sure to find a hormone free meat such as beef, chicken, fish or turkey, and mix it with rice and dog friendly vegetables for healthy, natural, and delicious meals.  Try to make sure that the meat you’re serving your dog is of high quality and doesn’t contain harmful chemical preservatives or specifically wheat gluten which can cause diarrhea, weight loss, hair loss, and overall poor health.  If you know anyone who has a wheat allergy that led to celiac disease, this is similar to the intestinal problems that wheat gluten can give your four-legged friend.


Bathing and Coat Care

Taking care of your dog’s skin and fur doesn’t have to be difficult.  Shampoos, flea powders, and even sunscreen are readily available from natural name brand products to even do-it-yourself pantry items.  A popular ingredient in many store-bought shampoos is oatmeal.  It is soothing and non-irritating while effective at removing dirt and bacteria from fur and skin.  What’s even better is that making your own oatmeal shampoo can be extremely inexpensive.  Simply add a bit of baking soda and warm water and lather up your pooch for a soothing treat.  For the easy recipe instructions, visit lifemadefull.com.

Flea powders and shampoos can be found at your local health store, but Dawn dishwashing liquid can be used in a pinch.  This remedy is free from harsh chemicals and toxins that could irritate your dog’s skin, dry it out, or cause allergic reactions.  Want your dog to smell great and have a shiny coat? Coconut oil works wonderful for flea prevention and moisturizes your dog’s dry skin. As a bonus, just like the food you’ve learned to make for your dog, it is safe to use for yourself as well.



Does your dog have bad breath?  These could be signs of illness or allergies.  An easy way to get rid of doggy-breath is just by adding specific ingredients to their food or as treats.  Brown rice can help with digestion issues that cause bad breath.  Carrots are a great treat that can also act as a toy by keeping your pet busy chewing while cleaning any bacteria from their gums.  Other sicknesses can be cured by natural remedies instead of suspect over the counter medicines.  Probiotics and electrolytes can aid anything from stomach upset to dehydration.  You can find these in your grocery store in plain yogurts and even sports drinks or pediatric juices.  As with everything your dog eats, just watch out for artificial ingredients or chemical preservatives.

Taking proper care of your dog can be easy and fun.  Following these healthcare tips, enlisting the services of a professional dog walking company, and choosing to use natural products can give your new  best friend a better quality of life and make your time together as enjoyable as you expect it to be.  For more tips on how to keep your pet healthy, click here.